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Welcome to the brand better blog
The space where you’ll learn how to well, brand better.


Kateri Gabriele's Branding Experience - Sim2grow by Brand Better
"We knew that we needed to have well designed and very focused message. We absolutely loved the logo and we knew that just elevated our...

Working with Challenging Cases: Creating Boundaries and Systems in Your Practice
Are you a clinician who works with challenging cases? If so, this episode of The Spirited Entrepreneur Podcast is for you.

A logo won't solve your problems
Today I'm going to share a dirty little secret on why your new logo won't solve all your branding problems.

Michelle Riddle's Branding Experience - Our Children's Future by Brand Better
Michelle Riddle's Branding Experience - Our Children's Future by Brand Better

How to Profit & Keep Patient Retention Using Videos (Even If You're Camera Shy)
In this week's episode of The Spirited Entrepreneur Podcast, I'm chatting with my good friend Judy Seeger about how to use video (AKA...

How can great branding help you raise your rates?
It's no secret that one of the principles of raising your prices is having solid and sophisticated branding.

Why you have to build group programs for your functional medicine
I chatted with Sachin Patel about the power of building group programs for your functional medicine or health coaching business.

How to leverage writing a book to grow your health & wellness business
In this episode of The Spirited Entrepreneur Podcast, I'm chatting with Dr. Angela Lauria about how to leverage writing a book to grow...

How to make your brand POP in 2021?
Following these steps is the clearest, quickest way that we’ve found to guide our clients to brand clarity & confidence.

Reframing Marketing as a Tool to Create Authentic Connection with Patients
This week on the Spirited Entrepreneur Podcast I’m chatting with Andie Crosby on the topic of Reframing Marketing as a Tool to Create Authen

Fab Fertile Launch
We are so excited to launch Fab Fertile! Fab Fertile supports couples who are struggling with infertility to get pregnant naturally. The...

Webinars and virtual events to supercharge your practice
Chatting with founder of the Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo

How to build brand authority
How do you build brand authority, trust and confidence?

Living Proof Institute Launch
We're so excited to launch the new branding for Living Proof Institute! They were born out of a commitment to empower you with the...

Perfect Practice launch
We're so excited to launch Perfect Practice! The Perfect Practice Mentorship is your key to health, emotional, time, geographic &...

I bought a logo on Fiverr and here's what happened...
I decided to see what all the fuss about Fiverr...

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